Callum is competing for PhD funding from the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Student-led Open Competition 2024/25

For PhD related enquiries call 07956 088671 For submitting dreams as attachments please email or submit your dream below - anonymously if preferred. No 'interpretation' or feedback is provided directly but we will advise you when the PhD and it's findings are published.

Space is one of the classic seven elements of art. Unlike the other elements, space is found in nearly every piece of art created. Painters imply space, photographers capture space, sculptors rely on space and form, and architects build space. Space is a fundamental element in each of the visual arts.

Moreover, atomic physicists and medical researchers see the interstitial space that lies between atoms, and between blood vessels and cells, respectively; Sociologists see Simmel’s theory of space; sociolinguists see ethnomethodological snapshots of interactional space; evolutionary psychologists see dynamic spatiotemporal coordination that occurs within that which environmental psychologists see as an individual’s exposome space. Applied linguistics sees total physical response space; psycholinguists see spatial language terms (L-space) and perceptual space (P-space); cognitive neuroscientists see peripersonal action space and interpersonal social space; psychophysicists see interoceptive and exteroceptive spaces and social psychologists see proximate construals of people in their environments under the controversy of the person–situation debate.

We lean toward "Gottlieb’s Probabilistic Epigenesis" which is often cited as ‘the framework for understanding how individuals are embedded in social contexts’ - just as your dream avatar or dreaming deictic perspective is embedded in a dream environment space - so remember to describe the actions AND the dream environment in which these occur 🙏

A final word on WHY we need you to be as descriptive as possible about your dream space:

TIP for recalling dreams

use a dictaphone (or equivalent android app) or notepad to record or jot down a key word or two immediately upon waking - even a single word can later act as a prompt when you are ready to describe the dream in full. Do also let us know if any medication has the opposite effect of preventing dreams.

Ethics & data protection

No personal data is collected. Email addresses are not shared or quoted and are used for the sole purpose of notifying you of publication at which time they will be deleted.

Alternatively, you can anonymously monitor this site which will be updated regularly.